Gearbuds podcast - We use gear as a gateway to messy musical discussion - Chicago

Riff Library

The Empty Bottle Chicago: 21+ Years of Music / Friendly / Dancing (Edited by John Dugan)

(Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2016) For fans of indie rock history, insider stories, or hipster Chicago, this book chronicles the genesis and evolution one of the most vital clubs in modern American music. Chock full of stories by everyone who was there, this hardcover intersperses interviews with tons of fantastic photography by scene luminaries. It’s a lot of fun flipping through the pages while randomly scanning through the entire docket of every showbill that graced the stage by time of publication. As a particularly sentimental cat lover, the remembrance for house cat Radley really tugged the ole heartstrings. Awesome book.

Henry Bianco