Gearbuds podcast - We use gear as a gateway to messy musical discussion - Chicago

Podcast Episodes

Ep. 125 - Siliconless Valley

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Hope you’re in for some chip talk, and we don’t mean Cool Ranch.

This week our main topic concerns silicon chips - semiconductors, microprocessors, and integrated circuits, their unprecedented shortage in almost every device we use, and (perhaps) the forthcoming analog revolution.

Also discussed: a super neat pair of shows with Bethany Thomas, Tawny Newsome, and Ted Leo, positive gear deals, Trent Reznor blasting through Les Pauls, new Focusrite interfaces, the Moog Model 15 app, an updated Klon KTR, Joy Division, Fender Play partnering with Barbie, and Johnny Marr’s wild 9-pickup Strat.

No chunky flops.

Henry Bianco